Are you buying a used car? There are a lot of issues that the car might have. You have to ensure that the vehicle is safe for you and that there aren't any major repair or maintenance issues. That is why a pre purchase inspection is exactly what you need. We provide top notch used car pre purchase inspection service to all our clients. Put your mind at ease and buy the vehicle with full confidence.
What Our Used Car Pre Purchase Inspection Service Covers
Our used car pre purchase inspection service includes an exhaustive examination regarding the mechanical aspect as well as safety and appearance. When you opt for our pre purchase car inspection service, you get nothing but the very best.
We check:
- Tires
- Frame
- Exterior
- Suspension
- Body condition
- Glass
- Battery
- Lights
- All fluids
- Brakes
- Belts
- Radiator
We check for:
- Unusual smells
- Poor repair work
- Cracked glass
- Indications of flood or fire damage
- Odd engine noises
- Leaks
- Smoke, and more
If you want to go above and beyond, our pre purchase inspection service also includes a test drive and a complete engine analysis. With a pre purchase car inspection service like this, you will always be confident when purchasing a car
Where to Get the Inspection
If the car is near a mechanic that you trust, you should go there. Otherwise, you can just take out your cellphone and call us. We have been serving the great people of Alabama, AL, Florida, FL, South Carolina, SC, and North Carolina, NC for a long time and have carved a name for ourselves in the industry. We also serve customers in Tennessee, TN, and Georgia, GA. So, if you are in or around these parts, just give us a call and wait for our expert inspector to get to you.
With our highly decorated and experienced team and our use of the latest technology, there’s no way you can go wrong. We know how important it is for you to buy a car that doesn’t betray you in the middle of the road. That is why we make sure that we pay our fullest and undivided attention to every little detail when checking the car.